Sunday, December 15, 2019

xna 4.0 - The true cost to get my XNA game on XBox?

There seem to be many hurdles to get ones game onto Xbox, so far I have uncovered:

  1. You need Visual Studio (once your game becomes commercial you cannot use Express - but have to pay for professional). $1000+

  2. You then buy a XBox to find you also need a harddrive - so buy a Xbox harddrive too. $400

  3. You need to buy XBox Gold LIVE subscription. $70 (Free)

  4. You need to buy AppHub Creators Club subscription $100

Then after all that I cannot even find the place on my XBox to download Indie games?!!! Seriously WTF - after doing all this I could have come proficient in WebGL and done it all for free...

Before I go all the way down this path (hole) are there any other hidden hurdels before I can publish my game?

UPDATE: "Indie Games are not available in Australia, due to the requirement for all games to be rated by the Australian Classification Board, and the prohibitive expenses involved."....... im going to have to break something....


  1. You can commercially release games on the xbox as a live indie game with the express version. I believe you can release PC games too.

  2. The xbox you develop on does need a hard-drive.

  3. You need (at least) a silver Xbox LIVE account (free).

  4. You do need an app hub account.

Note, i'm quoting parts of an EULA, but i'm not a lawyer, this is my interpretation of it.

For the first point from the EULA of Xna Game Studio (v4.0):

i. Commercial Use. Use of any programs developed for the Xbox platform using the software is restricted to your personal, non-commercial use, with the exception of commercial distribution via Xbox LIVE Marketplace.

For last 3 points see here:

At the very least, you will need a Silver Xbox LIVE membership, an App Hub membership, and a hard drive for your Xbox 360 to be able to develop games for Xbox 360 by using XNA Game Studio.

Re commercial games on windows, again from the EULA:

iv. Commercial Programs using Games for Windows LIVE. You may not use the software to develop commercial programs that connect to Games for Windows LIVE.

I interpret that as, you can create commercial games, but not ones that connect to windows live.

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