Monday, December 23, 2019

xbox360 - Can you access Kinect motion sensing from XNA?

As of 2010 with the release of XNA 4.0, if I buy an Xbox 360 with Kinect will I be able to access its motion sensing data with the XNA game I'm developing? Or is this only restricted to C++ developers with a devkit?


"The non-commercial Kinect SDK for Windows will be released this spring, Microsoft said, and a commercial version is planned for a later date. The company said the SDKs will include support for audio, the Kinect API and direct control of the sensor."

That being said, if you don't want to wait, there's a lot of work being done on several fronts with support for a number of languages (C++, C#, Java, JavaScript, ...) under Windows, Mac and Linux.

For the freshest 0-day Kinect hacks, read KinectHacks and FreeNect

If you want to get started writing code, have a look at these:

  • Code Laboratories released CL NUI Platform drivers for the Kinect, which also includes samples in several languages including C#. The latest seems to not work ATM, so maybe stick to the older version (

  • I got started in minutes using the KinectTouch C# project together with CL NUI drivers.

  • For motion detection, check out the haar detection function inside OpenCV or the cross-platform .Net wrapper Emgu CV. Included are about 20 detection algorithms (XML files) for detecting e.g. hands, eyes, upper-torso, etc. A tool is also included to make your own. Google haar detect for more info.

  • The OpenKinect project is in charge of libfreenect and has sample source code to get you started. AFAIK you will have to use libusb-win32 to interface to the Kinect (which I was too lazy to get working in C#).

  • OpenNI just released an updated driver with Kinect support including sample source code for skeleton tracking using their PrimeSense PSDK.

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