Saturday, December 21, 2019

python - Alternative to pyGame?

i'm learning something about game programming from a book about "pyGame". pyGame is simple, but... python is a little complex and different from my previous knoweledge about programming.

I know "classical" language: C# (also C/C++), Java ... I know a lot of people love Python but for me is a little harder to learn!

So I'm looking something like "pyGame" but for java or for c# ... A library with which I can do almost the same thing i can do with pygame (so .. do more with less code ... and headache).


Love offers a similar level of complexity as PyGame, though I'm not sure you will find Lua much easier than Python. If you want to just go with something more direct, look for bindings for SDL (SDL.NET for example) for your favorite language, or even just use it directly in C. Many PyGame APIs are just thin wrappers for SDL functionality.

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