Thursday, December 12, 2019

camera - Understanding how to go from a scene to what's actually rendered to screen in OpenGL?

I want something that explains step by step how, after setting up a simple scene I can go from that 'world' space, to what's finally rendered on my screen (ie, actually implement something). I need the resource to clearly show how to derive and set up both orthographic and perspective projection matrices... basically I want to thoroughly understand what's going on behind the scenes and not plug in random things without knowing what they do.

I've found lots of half explanations, presentation slides, walls of text, etc that aren't really doing much for me. I have a basic understanding of linear algebra/matrix transforms, and a rough idea of what's going on when you go from model space -> screen, but not enough to actually implement it in code.


It all starts here: thick enough to stun an ox and to steal a meme: "If you don't like a wall of text, you're gonna have a bad time."

Then since you're concerned with OpenGL, a side trip down Route 666 one of the classic OpenGL books

But if you want to short circuit understanding of a complete graphics pipeline and just want to focus on some math for the 3D stuff then maybe something like: just the 3D math bits or some similar book.

After all that you'll want to pore over GLSL references because modern pipelines are mostly shader driven, which should keep you occupied for a while.

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