I'm interested in understanding how resource generation timers work on many of the mmorts type games out there. I can't wrap my head exactly around how the timers are synched with servers, especially with multiple users. If I need to provide more details, please let me know.
You mean games like Ogame? In my opinion it is best to calculate the value when it is needed, not on a regular event as Jari Komppa suggested. You could even go a step further and calculate the value on a client side sometimes.
In case of Ogame:
- Imagine that server increases amount of resources every minute for millions of users (where probably half or more are inactive). It's an overkill.
- Now imagine the server stores some value for every planet, named "last_calc" with a timestamp value. Everytime someone attacks the planet, the server will:
- get "last_calc", mine levels and resources from database
- calculate time_delta = (current_time - last_calc)
- calculate new resources: new_deuter = deuter_mine_level * time_delta; new_metal = metal_mine_level * time_delta;
- (in case of Ogame in above point you would also need to check if a particular mine is upgraded during time_delta, and if so, divide the time to two parts: one before mine upgrade, second after, then do the calculation as above with first part, increase mine_level, do the calculation again, and sum up both values)
- add new resources to old resources, divide them by 2, then save these value as both, current planet resources and attacker's loot.
- (again, in Ogame it's a little more sophisticated - you need to check if attacker's fleet have enough capacity)
- update last_calc to current_time
- Now imagine a user is only spying on a planet. Such actions can occur much more often, then attacks, maybe even 100 times more often, so to keep things optimized, server will:
- get last_calc and old resources from database (or cache if we're talking about optimizing things)
- send it to a client together with current server time
- and now the client does the math! Keep in mind, that such solution gives hackers a possibility to see when spied user was last active (on this planet at least); of course a hacker will never know if last_calc timestamp was updated by the planet owner or by another user sending spy drones, but if main planet of a user wasn't refreshed for 5 days, one can be pretty sure the user didn't login for at least as long.
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