Monday, May 11, 2015

mathematics - Re-create 2D side-on wave effect from Worms game

I'm trying to recreate the waves/water effect from Worms ( see here ) From what I understand its not actually a sprite, its procedurally generated by something like a sin wave.

Has anyone created something like this before? or any idea how I would go about it?


Yes, you are right, this 2D water effect can be simulated using math sine function :

wave = sin(phase + t * frequency) * amplitude

enter image description here

  • phase is a constant, put whatever you want.

  • set t to horizontal position of pixel/vertex you are processing : t = x;

  • change amplitude over the time (that will make the waves moving up and down) :

    amplitude = sin(t * wave_speed) * wave_height

  • combine several waves to get a more relastic effect :

    wave_final = wave0 + wave1 + ... .

    For each wave, change some parameters a little bit (eg: phase, frequency,...).

Here is a quick example i made, using only two waves : (require recent browser and WebGL enabled)

NOTE : this is a shader, but doing this using 2D primitives is the same approach .

EDIT : you dont specify any framework or 2d rendering system, but here is how it could be rendered using polygons / triangle strips :

enter image description here

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