Monday, May 25, 2015

mmo - synchronizing client-server actions

What's the usual way to handle events that are checked both on server and the client, like attacking? There's a cooldown timer to an attack of which the client is aware (so to prevent spamming server requests and attack button is held).

Next there's a cooldown timer on the authoritative server. My problem is that sometimes attacks that end up firing on the client aren't executed on the server, because the server timer (serverFrameTime - lastAttackFrameTime > attackCooldown) didnt count up to the desired time, and so those are 'blank' attacks on the client.

Is there a standard way to handle that without emiting too many messages? This is a problem for me because i might be firing more of those events and more timers, so autoattacking without clicking is not a long term solution for me.

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