Monday, March 21, 2016

What's the meaning of "breaking the tie among several equally liked names"?

it’s worth considering those associations when breaking the tie among several equally liked names

I know the meanings of the words. But I don't understand who "breaking the tie ..."

Do those associations break the tie? (assotiations & breaking?)

And as a result I don't undrestand the meaning of the last sentence.

The fuller text is:

Names Influence Life Outcomes Every name is associated with demographic baggage: information about the bearer’s age, gender, ethnicity, and other basic personal features.[...] One reason why personal names are so important, then, is that they allow people to categorize us almost automatically [...]

Names, then, have the capacity to shape our outcomes because they’re tied to important concepts that have real meaning. Sometimes they’re associated with racial groups or socioeconomic status, sometimes with charity appeals or being called on last at school. Some of those associations are positive and others are negative, and when you’re a parent faced with a smorgasbord of choices, perhaps it’s worth considering those associations when breaking the tie among several equally liked names.

Drunk Tunk Pink By Adam Alter

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