Monday, January 22, 2018

mathematics - How do you read these mathematical expressions aloud?

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(both above are from


  • The absolute value of the difference between S and

  • the sum from i equals one through i equals n of

  • the function f evaluated at t sub i times the width of each i

  • is less than epsilon.

If it is clear that i and n are one-indexed, then "the sum from i equals one through i equals n" can be replaced by "the sum of the first n terms". "The width of each i" is an interpretation of "delta i".

  • The function is one divided by the quantity x plus one close quantity, all divided by the square root of x.

  • The integral from zero to infinity of the function d x

  • equals the limit as s goes to zero of the integral from s to 1 of the function d x

  • plus the limit as t goes to infinity of the integral from 1 to t of the function d x.

"Goes to" can be replaced by "goes toward", or (as Damkeng suggests) "tends to", or (as J.R. suggests) "approaches".

I often use a notation like "integral from x equals a to x equals b" instead of "integral from a to b". I also often say "to positive infinity" instead of "to infinity".

I "factored out" the definition of the function in the first sentence. If the function were easy to say (such as "x squared"), I would not "factor out" the definition of the function. Instead, I would include the "x squared" in the statements of the integrals, a la Damkeng's answer.

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