Friday, January 29, 2016

Game programming books that don't teach programming?

I am an normal programmer with about 3 years of experience, who is interested in getting into game development. The problem that I face is that when I look at these "beginner" books, most of them teach basic programming skills, and I don't have the patience to sit through it or find them worthwhile. But, when I look at more advanced books, they're over my head, and once again, fruitless to me. What I'm looking for, are books that explain the nitty-gritty internals of games, but at a more reasonable level.

For example, I'm very familiar with all kinds of data structure (hashes, trees, linked lists), and with many common algorithms (sorting, searching), but I wouldn't know how to, say, implement collision detection effectively. I also have experience using foreign libraries, so I know how to use documentation to learn an API, so I don't need a "Learn to use X" book either.

Personally, I don't care what platforms/languages/libraries are used in the books, since I'm comfortable in many languages, but the game I'm looking at making would use Javascript and the HTML5 canvas.

Any suggestions? Any that are free?

P.S. I should note that my level of mathematics and physics is relatively low, and a book that gently integrated those things would be a plus.

EDIT: I should mention that I'm interested in 2D programming, and at this point I don't really care for 3D yet.

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