Before I get started I would just like to say that I have been using the Microsoft Winform + Xna examples found here:
WinForms Series 1: Graphics Device
I think I somewhat understand how its working however I'm running into one major problem. I'm trying to draw a Texture2D image to the spriteFontControl's spriteBatch parameter, which is an object of the XNA SpriteBatch class, and when I do I get this red "X" on a white box that fills the entire spriteFontControl area. This is a screen shot of what it looks like:
As for the coding that I added to do this is pretty simple. I used the content parameter from the spriteFontControl to load the box.jpg image into the program. Then just called the following code inside the Draw() method for the spriteFontControl:
spriteBatch.Draw(box, new Vector2(0,0),Color.Black);
If anyone could please offer some help as to how to draw Texture2D images in the Winform + XNA example then that would be most helpful. I heard that it was made so that you could draw it just like you would in XNA but I think I'm still missing something.
Thanks in advance.
P.S. This is the code from the Draw() method of the spriteFontControl:
const string message = "Hello, World!\n" +
"\n" +
"I'm an XNA Framework GraphicsDevice,\n" +
"running inside a WinForms application.\n" +
"\n" +
"This text is drawn using SpriteBatch,\n" +
"with a SpriteFont that was loaded\n" +
"through the ContentManager.\n" +
"\n" +
"The pane to my right contains a\n" +
"spinning 3D triangle.";
spriteBatch.Draw(box, new Vector2(15, 15), Color.Black);
spriteBatch.DrawString(font, message, new Vector2(23, 23), Color.White);
you are throwing an exception...
you should ensure that "spritebatch" and "box" variables are not null.
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