Wednesday, June 17, 2015

c# - How should I go about learning XNA?

I want to start learning how to make games in XNA, but I have no idea where to start! If someone could advise me on what pieces of software I need and some good books or tutorials to look at, that would be most helpful.

As for my current coding knowledge, I have some good experience with Javascript (in conjunction with HTML5 canvas). I'm pretty sure I would also need to learn C# to code with XNA, so keep that in mind.


If you understand the general programming fundamentals work - datatypes, classes, functions, etc - I would say go for it.

When I started learning C#, I did have games in mind, but started with developing console apps that, while they looked very basic, incorporated some advanced C# techniques, in order to better my understanding of the language.

Once you have an understanding of how C# works, I'd go ahead and download the XNA studio from here -

You will want to start with learning SpriteBatch. Some good tutorials can be found here...

From there you can start experimenting with pixel shaders (on SpriteBatch, ), and also matrix transformations ( ).

Once you have a good grasp of that, you can finally move on to using the graphics device to draw primitives and models using BasicEffects and custom shaders.

Good luck!

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