Saturday, October 7, 2017

actionscript 3 - How to use Pixel Bender (pbj) in ActionScript3 on large Vectors to make fast calculations?

Remember my old question: 2d game view camera zoom, rotation & offset using 'Filter' / 'Shader' processing?

I figured I could use a Pixel Bender Shader to do the computation for any large group of elements in a game to save on processing time. At least it's a theory worth checking.

I also read this question: Pass large array to pixel shader

Which I'm guessing is about accomplishing the same thing in a different language.

I read this tutorial:

I am attempting to do some tests. Here is some of the code:

        private const SIZE : int = Math.pow(10, 5);

private var testVectorNum : Vector.;

private function testShader():void
{ = [1.0, 8.0]; = testVectorNum; = SIZE/400; = 100;
shaderJob = new ShaderJob(shader, testVectorNum, SIZE / 4, 1);

var time : int = getTimer(), i : int = 0;
trace("TEST1 : ", getTimer() - time);

The problem is that I keep getting a error saying:

[Fault] exception, information=Error: Error #1000: The system is out of memory.


I managed to partially workaround the problem by converting the vector into bitmapData: (Using this technique I still get a speed boost of 3x using Pixel Bender)

    private function testShader():void

{ = [1.0, 8.0];
var time : int = getTimer(), i : int = 0;
testBitmapData.setVector(testBitmapData.rect, testVectorInt); = testBitmapData;

shaderJob = new ShaderJob(shader, testBitmapData);
testVectorInt = testBitmapData.getVector(testBitmapData.rect);
trace("TEST1 : ", getTimer() - time);



I found a complete solution to this issue.

Please notice size is now 10,000,000

Here is the new code snippet:

        private const SIZE : int = Math.pow(10, 7);
private var testVectorInt : Vector.; //gotta use Number (not int)
private var testVectorInt2 : Vector.; //Need separate vectors for I & O

private function testShader():void
{ = [1.0, 8.0];
var time : int = getTimer(), i : int = 0; = testVectorInt;//testBitmapData; = SIZE/4000; = 1000;
shaderJob = new ShaderJob(shader, testVectorNum, SIZE / 4000, 1000);//(shader, testVectorInt2, SIZE/4, 1);

trace("TEST1 : ", getTimer() - time);

You might be wondering what is the speed difference?

Processing the Numbers one by one in a loop took: 1956ms

Doing it in Pixel Bender took: 189ms

This results is true for Flash Player 10.3 on my pc

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