Saturday, October 28, 2017

java - How do I test for intersection between a ray and a cone?

I decided that writing a ray-tracer in my game was a brilliant idea, and so now I am looking for code to use for ray to primitive intersection tests. I have based my effort on this very nimble yet complete code. It works well but only supports sphere primitives. I have added plane, disk and ring (in that order) because they are easy. Next I am thinking about adding box and cone.

But while sphere and plane intersection tests are really simple cone seems really difficult.

I have yet to find a simple and easy to adapt java implementation of a ray cone intersection test. I am in this to get a ray-tracer up and working quickly without learning too much math underway, so is does anyone have a java snippet lying around that performs a trivial ray cone intersection test suitable for a small ray-tracer?


I had some time to read up on this and decided to share.

In "serious" ray-tracers that grown-ups use, cones and other similar shapes such as cylinders are usually represented as either tesselated surfaces or as quadric shapes. There exists pure cone-only intersection code that may or may not be more optimized, but implementing the more general quadric approach will give so much more value-for-effort for the beginner that it is worth implementing it first. Thus, in this answer I will focus on the quadric solution.

In geometry quadric shapes are

any surface that can be defined by an algebraic equation of second degree

. On the normal form this equation looks like this:

Ax^2 + By^2 + Cz^2 +2Dxy + 2Exz + 2Fyz + 2Gx + 2Hy + 2Iz + J = 0

By selecting different values for A through J, and by carefully applying axis aligned clipping planes in the right places, we can define what kind of surface we want. Here are some example shapes (from here):

Different quadric shapes, including cone

Finally to the code. Since my ray-tracer was based on the ubiquitous instructional ray-tracer by Leonard McMillan I found a plethora of student extensions more or less based on this code. One in particular by a guy called Charlie had an implementation of Ray-Quadric intersection and shading code. I have shamelessly copied the important parts here (full code here), and will comment on it as soon as I get a chance to actually test it in my own application.

class Quadric extends Renderable {
private static final float twoPI = (float)(Math.PI * 2.0);

float A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J;
float A2, B2, C2;
float miny, maxy;
Matrix3D OStoWS, WStoOS;
float theta;

public Quadric(Surface s, Matrix3D o2w, Matrix3D w2o, float zmin, float zmax, float thetamax,
float a, float b, float c, float d, float e, float f, float g, float h, float i, float j )

surface = s;
A = a; B = b; C = c; D = d; E = e; F = f; G = g; H = h; I = i; J = j;
A2 = 2.0f * A;
B2 = 2.0f * B;
C2 = 2.0f * C;
miny = -zmin - Constants.EPSILON; maxy = zmax + Constants.EPSILON;
OStoWS = new Matrix3D(o2w);
WStoOS = new Matrix3D(w2o);
theta = (float)(thetamax * Math.PI / 180.0f - Math.PI);

Vector3D d = new Vector3D();
Vector3D o = new Vector3D();
float a2_1;
float a, b, c, tOS, tWS, discrim;
float dMagOS;

public boolean intersect(Ray ray) {
WStoOS.transform(ray.origin, o);
WStoOS.transformNormal(ray.direction, d);

dMagOS = 1.0f / d.length();
boolean flag = false;

a = A * d.x * d.x + B * d.y * d.y + C * d.z * d.z;
b = A2 * o.x * d.x + B2 * o.y * d.y + C2 * o.z * d.z;
c = A * o.x * o.x + B * o.y * o.y + C * o.z * o.z + J;

if (a == 0.0f) {

tOS = - c / b;
flag = true; // remember this
} else {
discrim = b * b - 4.0f * a * c; // compute discriminant

if (discrim < 0.0f) return false; // no intersection

discrim = (float)Math.sqrt(discrim); // store sqrt value
a2_1 = 1.0f / (2.0f * a); // store 1 / (2a)
tOS = (-b - discrim) * a2_1; // near intersection

if (tOS < 0.0f) { // near intersection too close
tOS = (-b + discrim) * a2_1; // use far intersection
flag = true; // remember this

tWS = tOS * dMagOS; // need to scale intersection tOS to get tWS
if ((tWS > ray.tWS) || (tWS < 0)) return false; // trivial reject

ray.hitOS.addScaled(o, d, tOS); // get hit point in object space
if (ray.hitOS.y < miny || ray.hitOS.y > maxy) // outside clip box?
if (!flag) { // alright, so the near intersection is outside the clipping box,
// but that doesn't mean the far intersection isn't inside
tOS = (-b + discrim) * a2_1; // compute the far intersection
tWS = tOS * dMagOS; // need to scale intersection t
if ((tWS > ray.tWS) || (tWS < 0)) return false; // trivial reject

ray.hitOS.addScaled(o, d, tOS);

if (ray.hitOS.y < miny || ray.hitOS.y > maxy) return false;

} else { // both near and far intersection flunked clip box
return false;
if (theta != twoPI) { // now clip against the accept angle
float a = (float)Math.atan2(-ray.hitOS.z, -ray.hitOS.x);
if (a > theta) {

if (!flag) { // alright, so the near intersection is outside the accept angle,
// but that doesn't mean the far intersection isn't inside
tOS = (-b + discrim) * a2_1; // compute the far intersection
tWS = tOS * dMagOS; // need to scale intersection t
if ((tWS > ray.tWS) || (tWS < 0)) return false; // trivial reject

ray.hitOS.addScaled(o, d, tOS); // update intersection point
a = (float)Math.atan2(-ray.hitOS.z, -ray.hitOS.x);
if (a > theta) return false;

// we haven't actually tested this yet at this point
if (ray.hitOS.y < miny || ray.hitOS.y > maxy) return false;

} else { // both near and far intersection flunked accept angle
return false;

ray.tWS = tWS;

ray.object = this;
return true;

public void computeNormal(Ray ray) {
Vector3D nOS = new Vector3D(
A2 * ray.hitOS.x,
B2 * ray.hitOS.y,
C2 * ray.hitOS.z);

OStoWS.transformNormal(nOS, ray.n);


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