Saturday, April 8, 2017

webgl - Open world loading/unloading with asset bundle in unity

I have a very large environment which I have to load/unload in unity Webgl as I can't load them at once. So, I have divide the environment into 1000 x 1000m (1km) (each chunk is consist of three layer like objects layer, tree layer,floor layer) chunks and on my player I have attached this script for chunk loading/unloading, thanks to this guide.

    public class TileLoadingManager : MonoBehaviour
public string tileTag;

public Vector3 tileSize;

public int maxDistance;

public GameObject[] tiles;

// Use this for initialization

void Start()
this.tiles = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag(tileTag);

void DeactivateDistantTiles()
Vector3 playerPosition = this.gameObject.transform.position;

foreach (GameObject tile in tiles)
Vector3 tilePosition = tile.gameObject.transform.position + (tileSize / 2f);

float xDistance = Mathf.Abs(tilePosition.x - playerPosition.x);
float zDistance = Mathf.Abs(tilePosition.z - playerPosition.z);

if (xDistance + zDistance > maxDistance)



void Update()


Its loading/unloading my chunks but a problem is that, it is a costly method for load/unload as my object chunk (tile) count is around 4 (expected to grow). Additionally I am loading asset bundle from UnityWebReqest and destroying assets on-unload, so it very heavy task. So my question is that is this the right approach or I should need to adopt anything else?

EDIT: Bundle Loading Code Snippet:

public void AbLoadCall()
if (AbLoadCallCortoutineRef == null)
AbLoadCallCortoutineRef = StartCoroutine(AbLoadCallCoroutine());

IEnumerator AbLoadCallCoroutine()

for (int i = 0; i < perRegionAssetBundleList.Length; i++)
yield return StartCoroutine(perRegionAssetBundleList[i].DownloadABCall());


Actual Loading Code:

    public IEnumerator DownloadABCall()

if (!abObjectInstantiated)
//Debug.Log(assetName + " , downloading assetbundle. . ");
yield return StartCoroutine(DownloadAB(assetBundleURL));
if (!abObjectInstantiated.activeInHierarchy)

//Debug.Log("Reactive done"+ this.assetName);

if (floorL7MeshRenderer)
floorL7MeshRenderer.enabled = false;


// Debug.Log( + " , Bundle object has alread available.");

IEnumerator DownloadAB(string bundleURL, string assetName = "")
Debug.Log(". . DownloadAB. . ,"+;
isBundleLoading = true;

www = UnityWebRequestAssetBundle.GetAssetBundle(bundleURL);
//Debug.Log("web req about to send : " + assetName);

yield return www.SendWebRequest();

if (www.error != null)
Debug.LogError("assetBundleURL : " + assetBundleURL);
Debug.LogError("www error : " + www.error);

www = null;
yield break;

//Debug.Log("bundle loading , "+ assetName);

// get bundle from downloadhandler
AssetBundle bundle = ((DownloadHandlerAssetBundle)www.downloadHandler).assetBundle;

GameObject bundlePrefab = null;

bundlePrefab = (GameObject)bundle.LoadAsset(bundle.GetAllAssetNames()[0]);

// if we got something out
if (bundlePrefab != null)

abObjectInstantiated = (GameObject)Instantiate(bundlePrefab);

abObjectInstantiated.transform.parent = envParent.transform;

if (floorL7MeshRenderer)
floorL7MeshRenderer.enabled = false;



www = null;

bundle = null;

isBundleLoading = false;
//Debug.Log("bundle unloading completed ," + assetName);

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