Wednesday, April 26, 2017

physics - AS3/Flash Develop - Radial Gravity (character on planet simulation)

I am trying to create a program where a character shape will be constantly drawn towards the centre of a planet shape. I have taken on previous advice into using physics equations to generate the desired effect yet I think I am missing some and therefore it does not work (I am only using v^2=u^2+2as). Am I over complicating things? All I need is for the player object to be constantly drawn towards the centre of the planet object; there will be no need for other planet objects to come into play and affect the player's gravity.

edit: To clarify, my question should have been "where did I go wrong?". I have now since solved the problem with the answers posted below, which were present because I wasn't going about trying to achieve what I wanted the right way. I didn't calculate the actual direction to move in as expected, and so the character could not move in the expected direction.

Here is my

import flash.display.InteractiveObject;
import flash.display.Sprite;

import Math
import flash.display.Bitmap;
import flash.display.DisplayObject;
import flash.text.TextField;
import flash.text.TextFormat;
import flash.utils.*;


* ...
* @author Me
public class Main extends Sprite
public var planet1:Planet;
public var character1:Character;
public var initialXVelocity:Number = 0;
public var initialYVelocity:Number = 0;
public var finalXVelocity:Number;

public var finalYVelocity:Number;
public const gravitationalAcceleration:Number = 3;
public var xDistance:Number;
public var yDistance:Number;

public function Main()
if (stage) init();

else addEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, init);

private function init(e:Event = null):void
removeEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, init);
// entry point
planet1 = new Planet;
character1 = new Character;

//place entites in position to test note: planet 1 is 100*100 pixels, character 1 is 10*10 pixels
planet1.x = 350;
planet1.y = 250;
character1.y = 100; //295
character1.x = 396; //395

//Make sure character has gravity applied constantly
setInterval(playerMove, 1000);


public function playerMove():void
//Calculate the distance between the character and the planet in terms of x and y coordinate
xDistance = (character1.x + 5) - (planet1.x + 50);
yDistance = (character1.y + 5) - (planet1.y + 50);

//Make sure this distance is a positive value

if (xDistance < 0) {
xDistance = -xDistance;

if (yDistance < 0) {
yDistance = -yDistance;

//Calculate velocity using physics equation v^2=(u^2)+2as
finalXVelocity = Math.sqrt((initialXVelocity * initialXVelocity) + (2 * gravitationalAcceleration) * xDistance);

finalYVelocity = Math.sqrt((initialYVelocity * initialYVelocity) + (2 * gravitationalAcceleration) * yDistance);

//Make sure the character is moving towards the centre of the planet at all times by reversing the appropriate velocity once it passes the axis of the centre of the planet
if (planet1.x < character1.x) {
finalXVelocity = -finalXVelocity;

if (planet1.y < character1.y) {
finalYVelocity = -finalYVelocity;

//Update the current velocity before new velocity is calculated

initialXVelocity = finalXVelocity;
initialYVelocity = finalYVelocity;

//Send the character into the correct direction
character1.x += finalXVelocity;
character1.y += finalYVelocity;



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