Monday, April 24, 2017

Prevent cheating in html Javascript game

I have made a Javascript/html game. Now the problem I have is anyone can edit the client code and cheat in game for example there is a man shooting a enemy.

  • Man HP:          100

  • Enemy HP:      50

Now if someone changes the hp attribute to a very high value then he becomes literally immortal making the game easy. Now how can I prevent this type of thing ?


You can't.

Javascript is executed on the users machine. Whatever is executed on the client side can be manipulated by the client. All mainstream web browsers come with powerful debugging tools out-of-the-box which allow users to influence Javascript code even more than with the console. So the user doesn't even need any special software tools like they would for cheating in games implemented as binary executables.

You could try to minify and obfuscate your code beyond recognition (there are tools for that which you can integrate into your deployment script), but a determined hacker can still find out where you are hiding the important data. So you might slow them down, but you can not stop them.

The only way to prevent cheating in a web-based game is to implement all important game mechanics on a server where it is out of reach for the user.

But keep in mind that when your game has no multiplayer component or global leaderboards, then it is questionable if any work invested in preventing cheating is really providing any benefit. Cheaters can only hurt their own game experience while the honest players who want to play the game as designed won't be affected at all. Allowing a bit of cheating can even enhance the game experience because it allows players to experience the game in a different way. There is a reason many game developers intentionally add cheat codes or developer consoles to their games.

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