Monday, February 6, 2017

3d - How to attach two XNA models together?

I go back on unsolved question I asked about attaching two models together, could you give me some help on this ?

For example, If I want to attach together Model1 (= Main model) & Model2 ? I have to get the transformation matrix of Model1 and after get the Bone index on Model1 where I want to attach Model2 and then apply some transformation to attach Model2 to Model1

I wrote some code below about this, but It does not work at all !! (6th line of my code seems to be wrong !?)

Model1TransfoMatrix=New Matrix[Model1.Bones.Count];


foreach (ModelMesh mesh in Model2.Meshes)
foreach(BasicEffect effect in mesh.effects)

matrix model2Transform = Matrix.CreateScale(0.1.0f)*Matrix.CreateFromYawPitchRoll(x,y,z);

effect.World= model2Transform *Model1TransfoMatrix[Index];
effect.view = camera.View;
effect.Projection= camera.Projection;

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