Monday, April 25, 2016

camera - FPS games: don't they have unrealistic one-eyed view? What are the causes?

I have played many fps games, and noticed that the camera perspective is similar to the 'one eyed view' of the surroundings. It does not feel like bilinear. :/

Is it because of the single flat view of the screen? Or is it the problem that can be fixed by some research?

PS: If you want, try to roam around with only one eye open.


I'll state the obvious - FPS games are doing the best they can within the limitations of a single 2D display device.

The interesting part - this might change soon thanks to the Oculus Rift project - a VR headset for games. I've seen info that DOOM 3 is fully supported (due to Carmack's involvement) and that Hawken has promised support. There is also work on external engine integration (Unity and Unreal were mentioned here).

Note the games on Oculus must support full stereoscopic 3D, since the headset has a separate display for each eye.

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