I noticed in Unity3D that each gameObject(entity) have its own renderer component, as far I understand, such component handle rendering logic.
I wonder if it is a common practice in entity/component based engines, when single entity have renderer components and logic components such as position, behavior altogether in one box?
Such approach sound odd to me, in my understanding entity itself belongs to logic part and shouldn't contain any render specific things inside.
With such approach it is impossible to swap renderers, it would require to rewrite all that customized renderers.
The way I would do it is, that entity would contain only logic specific components, like AI,transform,scripts plus reference to mesh, or sprite. Then some entity with Camera component would store all references to object that is visible to the camera. And in order to render all that stuff I would have to pass Camera reference to Renderer class and render all sprites,meshes of visible entities.
Is such approach somehow wrong?
Such approach sound odd to me, in my understanding entity itself belongs to logic part and shouldn't contain any render specific things inside.
In some entity systems, components only contain logic. In others, they only contain data. In yet others, they contain both. I'd certainly argue that putting the actual render commands (as in the OpenGL or D3D code) into the rendering component isn't ideal (see my answer here regarding the question "should objects render themselves?", which is the same principle under discussion). However, it is certainly possible to do so and even to do so in a fashion that allows the implementation of the rendering components to be swapped without having to alter the consumers of the component system. Doing so just involves any typical implementation-hiding technique.
It's acceptable, and common, to have a "visual component" that contains a reference to some renderable object that comes from the lower-level rendering subsystem and have that component export behavior or interface to allow the appearance data to be specified by other components (such as ones containing scripts).
The way I would do it is, that entity would contain only logic specific components, like AI,transform,scripts plus reference to mesh, or sprite. Then some entity with Camera component would store all references to object that is visible to the camera. And in order to render all that stuff I would have to pass Camera reference to Renderer class and render all sprites,meshes of visible entities.
Is such approach somehow wrong?
I don't really see what you gain by having a "camera" component. It seems like a very heavyweight operation inject into the entity system. Does, for example, the presence of the camera component mean that you always get a scene rendered from that camera's perspective? How then do you determine which of those scenes to present to the user, and where? It feels like -- without knowing more about this design -- you'd be shoving a lot of unrelated responsibility into the camera component. I'd prefer to see that responsibility handled by something external to the entity system.
Otherwise, that sounds like a perfectly usable system. It will have it's pros and cons, of course, but those will become apparent in practice and many of them will be specific to your needs and/or the needs of your game.
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