Friday, October 12, 2018

c# - Issue with my script; An object reference is required to access non-static member

I'm having an issue with my script and I don't have a clue what is wrong.

The error I get is:

Assets/Scripts/BlackBirdDrag.cs(43,41): An object reference is required to access non-static member `UnityEngine.Rigidbody2D.isKinematic'

Here is the script:

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;

public class BlackBirdDrag : MonoBehaviour {

public float maxStreatch = 3.0f;
public LineRenderer catapultLineFront;
public LineRenderer catapultLineBack;

private SpringJoint2D spring;
private Transform catapult;
private Ray rayToMouse;
private Ray leftCatapultToProjectile;
private float maxStretchSqr;

private bool clickedOn;
private float circlRadius;
private Vector2 prevVelocity;
//private GameObject circle;

void Awake () {
spring = GetComponent ();
catapult = spring.connectedBody.transform;


void Start () {

LineRendererSetup ();
rayToMouse = new Ray(catapult.position,;
leftCatapultToProjectile = new Ray(catapultLineFront.transform.position,;
maxStretchSqr = maxStreatch * maxStreatch;
CircleCollider2D circle = Collider2D as CircleCollider2D;
circlRadius = circle.radius;


void Update () {
Dragging ();

if(spring != null) {
if(!Rigidbody2D.isKinematic && prevVelocity.sqrMagnitude > Rigidbody2D.velocity.sqrMagnitude) {
Destroy (spring);

Rigidbody2D.velocity = prevVelocity;
prevVelocity = Rigidbody2D.velocity;

LineRendererupdate ();

catapultLineFront.enabled = false;
catapultLineBack.enabled = false;



void LineRendererSetup () {

catapultLineBack.sortingLayerName = "foreground";
catapultLineFront.sortingLayerName = "foreground";

catapultLineBack.sortingOrder = 1;
catapultLineFront.sortingOrder = 3;


void OnMouseDown () {
spring.enabled = false;
clickedOn = true;

void OnMouseUp () {
spring.enabled = true;
Rigidbody2D.isKinematic = false;
clickedOn = false;

void LineRendererupdate () {
Vector2 catapultToProjectile = transform.position - catapultLineFront.transform.position;
leftCatapultToProjectile.direction = catapultToProjectile;

Vector3 holdpoint = leftCatapultToProjectile.GetPoint(catapultToProjectile.magnitude + circlRadius);
catapultLineBack.SetPosition(1, holdpoint);
catapultLineFront.SetPosition(1, holdpoint);

void Dragging () {
Vector3 mouseWorldPoint = Camera.main.ScreenToWorldPoint(Input.mousePosition);
Vector2 catapultToMouse = mouseWorldPoint - catapult.position;

if(catapultToMouse.sqrMagnitude > maxStretchSqr) {

rayToMouse.direction = catapultToMouse;
mouseWorldPoint = rayToMouse.GetPoint(maxStreatch);

mouseWorldPoint.z = 0f;
transform.position = mouseWorldPoint;



I'm not familiar with Unity.

Your issue is that you try to call methods on a Class instead of calling methods on an instance of a Class, i.e. on an Object.

Specifically, the issue shows up in two places:

First, in Update()

if(spring != null) {
if(!Rigidbody2D.isKinematic ...

and later, in OnMouseUp()

  void OnMouseUp () {
spring.enabled = true;

Rigidbody2D.isKinematic = false;
clickedOn = false;

RigidBody2D doesn't have a static member called isKinematic. Only instances of it have such a member.

You must fetch the instance of the Rigidbody2D component and call the methods on that instead.

Here is an example (retrieved from here).

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;

public class ExampleClass : MonoBehaviour {
public Rigidbody rb;
void Start() {
rb = GetComponent();
void FixedUpdate() {

Then you'll be able to call the functions on the variable rb if you follow the example. ie. rb.isKinematic

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