Tuesday, May 1, 2018

java - Why does every texture drawn cause a new draw call?

I'm currently working on a 2d sandbox tile game in LibGDX and I noticed I had 700+ draw calls. So checked my code and I could not find anything that would cause a new draw call. All the tiles are drawn between a single batch.begin() and a batch.end(). I commented out the code for rendering the tiles and I had around 2-3 draw calls. I can't figure out whats wrong so I am posting this here.

Here is the call chain of the render method:

In my world class:

public void render(SpriteBatch batch, ShapeRenderer shapeBatch) {

if (selectedBlock != null) batch.draw(gameScreen.app.assetManager.get("misc/block_selection_texture.png",Texture.class), selectedPosition.x * 32, selectedPosition.y * 32);


World is calling chunkManager.render(..):

public void render(SpriteBatch batch) {
//Render all the chunks
for (Chunk c : activeChunks) {
if (c != currentChunk) {


//Render Current Chunk the player is in in front of every other chunk

ChunkManager is calling c.render(..):

public void render(SpriteBatch batch){
//Render all Blocks inside the Chunk
for(Block b:blocks.values()){

b.render(batch); // <- this is the line I commented out

//Render all Entities inside the Chunk
for(Entity e:entities){

Chunk is calling b.render(..):

public void render(SpriteBatch batch){

float hp = hardness/maxHardness;

//tint the blocks based on their health
batch.draw(texture, x*32, y*32);


and e.render(..):

public void render(SpriteBatch batch){
if(isAnimated) {
renderAnimation(batch); // -> just batch.draw(..) for animations
} else {
batch.draw(texture, x, y);

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