Thursday, May 24, 2018

phrase request - Does English have an expression for "Straw Enthusiasm"?

In Polish there's an expression Słomiany zapał which is a play on words, Straw enthusiasm and Straw going ablaze.

The idea is that straw burns with a very bright flame but the fire dies out very quickly. The fire is not sustaining and produces little heat in the long run. Following this metaphor, the expression describes a significant (and very common) vice of engaging in new projects with outstanding enthusiasm only to lose interest in them before they reach their fruition.

Is there any counterpart to this expression in English?


I'm not aware of a direct idiom for this vice. However, you might consider flash in the pan for once-off efforts, or just short-lived enthusiasm for more general usage.

It's a good expression though—I'll probably use it!

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