Monday, May 28, 2018

Does Unity for PC use Direct3D or OpenGL?

I am a mac developer using Unity and I hardly use a PC. When you build a Unity game for Windows, does it use Direct3D or OpenGL?

P.S. I'm not sure if it's called Direct3D or DirectX


Unity supports several renderers for its various platforms, Direct3D and OpenGL among them. You can find references to this fact in the release notes, for example, and in this documentation explaining some differences between renderer implementations that users should be aware of.

It appears that by default, Unity will use D3D on Windows. You can force it to use an OpenGL rendering path, apparently, via a command-line argument (although that thread is quite old). Configuring the rendering path in your game settings appears to be more about deferred versus forward renderers, and not the underlying API used.

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