Friday, April 13, 2018

hot reload - How can one implement hot-swappable C++ modules?

Fast iteration times are key to developing games, much more so than fancy graphics and engines with truckloads of features in my opinion. No wonder many small developers choose scripting languages.

The Unity 3D way of being able to pause a game and modify assets AND code, then continue and have the changes take effect immediately is absolutely great for this. My question is, has anybody implemented a similar system on C++ game engines?

I have heard that some really super high end engines do, but I am more interested in finding out if there is a way to do it in a home-grown engine or game.

Obviously there would be tradeoffs, and I can't imagine that you can just recompile your code while the game is paused, have it reloaded and working under every circumstance or every platform.

But perhaps it's possible for AI programming and simple level logic modules. It's not as if I want to do that in any project in the short (or long term), but I was curious.

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