Saturday, April 14, 2018

grammar - What is it all about this usage? would of+verb

We short men are in big trouble because if we want a shoe that feels decent we feel short and you can’t put in lifts, if you get a shoe with lifts it doesn’t feel comfortable I feel really trapped, that why I cannot believe that there is a god because if there was he wouldn’t of don’t this to me and made me only 5.4″ he or it would of made me to be at lease the regular American height which is 5.8” or taller , its a disaster to be short for a male.

The text is written by a native English speaker. It is the first time I face a usage in which would of + verb is used. Is it grammatically correct? What is the meaning of the parts I have shown in bold?


The usage verb of verb (like would of made) is bad. Native English speakers often use it because they learned from hearing English spoken, but not from studying its structure. For instance, take this sentence:

Last night, I could've studied, but I played games.

Here, the speaker uses could've as a short form of could have, making the full verb phrase could have studied. However, when listening to this said, it sounds just like could of studied. If you didn't study the structure of English, you might not know that's incorrect grammar, and think could've is actually could of. Because of this, some people actually write and type verb of verb instead of verb've verb.

You should never use verb of verb.

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