Saturday, July 8, 2017

project management - Where can I find indie "teams"

I'm looking to work over the internet in a team of people to make a game. I'm not looking to make a profit, I just want the experiance. Where can I find similary minded persons?


Personally I don't like working with random people over the internet. Also you will find few games actually succeed without the dynamic of loyalty and accountability that comes with actually having to deal with someone.

If you are a student ask around, I promise there are others interested in the same things as you. If not Google around and try to find a game development meet up in your area. Also there are often groups dedicated to certain technologies (XNA, Unity) if you live in a populate enough area.

If that fails I suggest looking at currently under development opensource games and seeing if they will let you join. Forking it and making a meaning full improvement or fix is a great way to get a team to enthusiastically welcome you.

But just speaking from experience, its near impossible to get any sort of dedication or staying power for a project unless the members and invested in it and each other emotionally.

Anyways that is my 2c. Mostly coming from experience founding modding teams.

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