Tuesday, November 8, 2016

word usage - Collection vs Set

I was wondering if it's wrong to say 'a set' instead of 'a collection'.

  • I have a set of stamps.

  • I have a collection of stamps.

  • I have a set of sounds that we can use.

  • I have a collection of sounds that we can use.

  • I have a set of weapons.

  • I have a collection of weapons.

I think that 'a set' mostly means an exclusive collection or a list of things.


In this context, the word set implies that there is some kind of relationship between the items that are part of it. It could mean either that

  • there are only a limited number of different ones (for example pokemon cards)

  • they are all in the same style or pattern (a set of cutlery, a set of spanners)

  • you need all of the items to do something (a Lego set, a tool set, a chemistry set).

A collection, on the other hand, does not imply any kind of relationship between the items: they simply belong to one person or are in the same place. You could talk about an art collection (owned by one person) or a collection of junk (in one place).

Of the examples that you suggested (stamps, sounds, weapons), collection would work with all of them. Set might work as follows:

  • stamps a limited edition of twelve special Christmas stamps and you had all of twelve them.

  • sounds I can't really see this

  • weapons a sword, dagger and shield made by the same armourer and bearing the owner's coat of arms. Fantasy gamers might talk about a weapon set in the same way as a carpenter might talk about a tool set, but that's a rather specialized usage.

Some firearms are available in pairs (shotguns, dueling pistols), but I don't think that two really constitutes a set.

If there is a set (for example Pokemon cards), you can collect items from the set, and it remains a collection until you have all of them, in which case you can refer to it as either a collection or a (full) set.

If you buy a set of tools, you can't refer to it as a collection. If you collect rare 19th century tools, that could be a collection, but never a set: a tool set is a set because it's something that you use, not something that you keep in a display cabinet.

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