Saturday, November 19, 2016

c# - How to implement an event system

Im trying to implement an Event System for a game, where there are classes that can fire or handle an event wheter or not they implement these interfaces:

public interface IGameEvent where T : EventArgs

event EventHandler OnEvent;

public interface IGameHandler where T : EventArgs
void OnEvent(object sender, T e);

everything looked great until i realized that no class can implement more than 1 IGameEvent because it would cause duplicate declaration,

Here is an example:

public class Event
public KeyPressEvent OnKeyPress;
public UpdateEvent OnUpdate;

public void AddHadler(IGameEvent eEvent , IGameHandler eHandler) where T : EventArgs
eEvent.OnEvent += eHandler.OnEvent;

public void RemoveHandler(IGameEvent eEvent, IGameHandler eHandler) where T : EventArgs
eEvent.OnEvent -= eHandler.OnEvent;


public class KeyPressEvent : IGameEvent
public class KeyPressedEventArgs : EventArgs

public KeyPressedEventArgs(Keys key)
Key = key;

public Keys Key { get; private set; }

public event EventHandler OnEvent;

private void OnCheckForKeyPressed() //Example
if (OnEvent != null)
OnEvent(this, new KeyPressedEventArgs(Keys.Space));

Would be better to manually store the suscribers in a list in the EventSystem ?

How slower or faster than this approach that would be?



Although you can use the existing event model in C#, it might not always give you the flexibility that you require.

You can for instance not sort events based on their priority, clear events of a specific type or add a queued/delayed event.



To signup for an event the object needs a method with the same signature as the CallbackMethod delegate. The call might look like this:

class SomeObject
private void OnDamageTaken(object sender, IGameEvent e)


... void Initialize()
EventManager.Subscribe("EVENT_PLAYERINJURED", this.OnDamageTaken);


//Somewhere in the application
EventManager.Notify("EVENT_PLAYERINJURED", new PlayerInjuredEvent(...));

If you don't like using hardcoded eventIds everywhere you could introduce a property on your game event classes.

public PlayerInjuredEvent : IGameEvent
public static string EventType


Now you can write:

EventManager.Notify(PlayerInjuredEvent.EventType, ...

I hope this gives you some ideas on how to solve your problem.

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