Monday, May 23, 2016

python - How do you create a perfect maze with walls that are as thick as the other tiles?

I read this article about dungeon and maze generation. The author uses a kind of specialized algorithm for generating 'perfect' mazes that have walls of non-zero thickness.

(Edit: I misunderstood the term 'perfect' here. It actually means there are no loops in the maze)

As I understand, typical maze algorithms work for walls of zero thickness but this is not what I want.

He posted his code in the article, but after a cursory glance, I think I need someone to explain the procedure (or a similar one) in plain english.

My first two attempts looked like:

enter image description here

Which produces an effect with the diagonals that are unsightly.

and then:

enter image description here

Which is better but its not 'perfect' in the sense that it seems to waste some space.

If someone can give me simple english instructions I might post the python code after I get it working.


If I understand you correctly, you want to create a densely packed maze like this, where each wall is the same thickness as each corridor:

Maze with thick walls

But you say the maze algorithms you've found only deal with infinitely thin partitions between cells corridor cells, rather than thick walls like these.

Let's look closer. Here I've overlaid a grid on the maze above, colouring all the even columns blue, and all the even rows orange:

Maze with tinted rows & columns

You can see, the walls only show up on the coloured rows & columns. This gets a bit more obvious if we play with the grid spacing, making the coloured rows & columns thinner:

Maze with thinned rows & columns

Gosh, that looks a lot like the output of one of those algorithms with infinitely-thin maze walls, doesn't it? Just at half the resolution.

So, we can take any maze algorithm that works on a rectangular grid with infinitely thin partitions between cells, and convert it to a thick maze like so:

  • Open cell at (x, y) --> Open cell at (2x + 1, 2y + 1)

  • Wall between (x, y) and (x, y + 1) --> Wall cell at (2x + 1, 2(y + 1))

  • Wall between (x, y) and (x + 1, y) --> Wall cell at (2(x + 1), 2y + 1)

  • --> All corner cells (2x, 2y) are walls

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