Sunday, January 22, 2017

c++ - STL for games, yea or nay?

Every programming language has its standard library of containers, algorithms, and other helpful stuff. With languages like C#, Java, and Python, it's practically inconceivable to use the language without its standard lib.

Yet, on many C++ games I've worked on, we either didn't use the STL at all, used a tiny fraction of it, or used our own implementation. It's hard to tell if that was a sound decision for our games, or one simply made out of ignorance of the STL.

So... is the STL a good fit or not?


Back when I worked in professional game development, STL was too immature and bloated. But that was >10 years ago.

Now I work in military simulation, which has even tougher performance requirements (like the framerate can never go below some FPS). In military simulation STL is used all over the place.

Some of the people who tell you not to use STL use the argument that it's not always the perfect or even the best solution to the problem. But that isn't an answer to the question. The question should be: Is there something inherently wrong with using STL in games? I'd say no, STL is most of the time a better implementation than what a user would come up with on their own.

Just make sure you know how to use the STL, and use it in your game. Read some books and look at the implementation code in the STL you are using.

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