Monday, June 26, 2017

algorithm - Smoothing found path on grid

I implemented several approaches such as A* and Potential fields for my tower defense game. But I want smooth paths, first I tried to find path on very small grid ( 5x5 pixels per tile) but it is extremly slow. I found nice video showing an RTS demo where paths are found on big grid but units dont move from each cell's center to center. How do I implement such behavior? Some examples would be great.


There's actually a pretty nice article about this at Gamasutra (7 pages!). While Beizer curves will smooth a path, it won't cut across grid spaces like in your video example.

For example (from the article):

  • (a) is the result of a standard A* search, while

  • (b) shows the results of a postprocess smoothing operation.

  • (c) shows the application of a turning radius for curved turns.

  • (d) illustrates an A* modification that will enable searches to include curved turns that avoid collisions.

4 images showing various topics discussed in the article

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