Tuesday, September 20, 2016

legal - Using a particular font in a commercial game

I'm working on a game I intend to sell, and I want to use this font. The license says:

"You may NOT copy or distribute the font outside of the licensed household, company, school or institution. Please ask external contacts who want to use the font to purchase their own license at www.CheapProFonts.com."

However, my plans are to use a tool to output a texture using this font to use as a bitmap font in my game. Does this mean I can do so, and sell my game with the font in it?


I'm speaking on behalf of CheapProFonts. ;) Obtaining a license for one of our fonts for inclusion in a software is easy and inexpensive: Just let us know that the font you purchase IS for that purpose, and then purchase two licenses for the font.

So for 20youwillbeallowedtoincludethefontinyourgameanddistributeasmanycopiesofthatgameasyouwantto.Nolimit.Ifyoumakeademoofthegame(=anotherbinary/programsotospeak)youshouldalsopurchasea20 license for that. And if you make a sequel, another license @ $20 for that. And so on. One double license per font per software. And a credit would be nice ;)

I hope you find our licensing scheme easy and affordable.

Kind regards


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